Reflection... and Procrastination.
Yeah, almost a month since I last posted. oh well. A lot of things happened during the past month, but I'll focus on what happened for the past four days. These past four days are full of surprise, turmoil, and eventually joy.
1. LSCS Reboot.
From last Friday to last Sunday, I, as well as other officers joined the Reboot. It was like a retreat of sorts, making us get away from some stress and make us relax a bit and reflect on what we have done so far. We went to a retreat house in Rizal and stayed there for around 3 days. During those 3 days, those were days of fun, reflection and later on, forgiveness and regret. I really made peace with those officers whom I sinned against. I kinda realized during those times how much we are important to each other and that we should really work together and work professionally to meet a common goal.
2. Procrastination
Last Monday night, I was supposed to do the User Manual for our Introse Project. Unfortunately, my body couldn't take it. I decided to take a nap, but then it turned into 3 hours of sleep. Knocked out solid. So I find myself the next day spending 8 hours with my groupmates making the damn User Manual. Gomenasai! gomenasai! I promised to myself never to procrastinate in Introse, now thanks to my weakness, my group suffered. Thank god we were able to submit the manual to the ST Secretary. Hopefully she'll give it to Ms. Ether or place it in her table.
Well, overall, I learned two things: 1. The value of cooperation and professionalism. 2. Never procrastinate in your projects. Haha, life does have it's ups and downs. But Oh well, life's a game, let's just play it.
Also, Advanced happy halloween to you all! I hope you guys get good candy! :3
Materialized @ 8:20 PM
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