Well, here I am again, busy with all the work. I got LSCS publications work (and an activity to add too) on one hand, INTROSE (or introduction to software engineering) in another, ENGLRES (or research) on another and a ton of stuff for my majors. It's a really fun juggling act, isn't it?
Haha, with all of these things, you might be thinking... with all the work I am doing, is it possible for me to have some time for rest? Well, if I can schedule my work properly and become more persevering and patient in my work, then yes.
The problem here is that I think I get easily distracted by other things, unless if give extreme focus on certain items, like programming work or even better games. Also, I tend to daydream a lot. Perhaps it's one of my favorite hobbies right now. ahahaha. but seriously though, it'll be a bit difficult for me to do some tasks because of those thing as well as the fact that I'm multitasking/procrastinating when it comes to work(both of which I'm good at, unfortunately).
To cut it short, I still have a lot of habits to get rid of if I want to become more productive. I gotta limit my daydreaming, force myself to focus heavily on certain subjects. I gotta be more hardworking and patient when it comes to work, especially now that I have 3 majors to deal with.
I'm really trying my best to get a GPA of 3.0 this term. If I were to get that GPA, I should really work harder. Well, enough about that. Back to work for me then.
Labels: personal stuff, reflections
Materialized @ 12:12 PM
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